Wednesday, January 30, 2013

RedXuchilbara's "Silent Hill Texture Pack" for Minecraft [Video}

If you like Minecraft, have a look at This Texture Pack I been working on for over a year now.
It's sort of a love / hate relationship and a labor of love all in one.

"Some of the hate" 
a lot of ppl that like to try and claim my work as there own,
where do ppl get off doing stuff like that? it's like they need to get a life or a swift KICK in the ASS.

"The Love"
everyone that has told me how much they love my Texture Pack,
It really makes me feel great when ppl tell me they love it, and that it's the best, though I know in a lot of other ppl's eye's it's not the best,
and I feel there is a lot more work to be done before it's done, but it's still a good feeling.

anyway hope you like the video.